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Activities: Feeding Los Angeles CA Skid Row, 04/19/2025, 12:00 AM - 2:30 PM. Support our Feeding Program.
You are now at : Get Involved  >  Estate Giving
Building a Better World for Needy Children Donate to Support the Needy Families
Giving A Bequest

A bequest is property given by will.

A bequest can be made in several ways:

1. You can donate asset or a dollar amount.

2. You can donate a percentage of your estate.

3. You can make a beneficiary designation of assets.

4. You can contact us for assistance: 800 395-6778

5. Email:userrelations@feedtheneedychildren.org

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Street 1: *
Street 2:
City: *
State / Province: *
Country: *
Phone Number:*
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